Village of Tannersville Neighborhood Profile

Incorporated Village of Tannersville Neighborhood Profile
Location: Tannersville, NY 12485
PEOPLE Tannersville, 12485 United States
Population 1,508 293,655,400
Pop. Density 73.5 80
Pop. Change 2.04% 5.88%
Median Age 41.1 37.6
Household Size 2.36 2.58
White 99.10% 77.53%
Black 0.00% 12.35%
Asian 0.76% 3.58%
American Indian 0.00% 0.89%
Other 0.14% 5.65%
Hispanic 2.63% 12.73%
Married, w/children 15.08% 27.90%
Married, no children 30.28% 31.04%
Single, w/children 9.42% 9.43%
Single, no children 43.67% 30.05%
Divorced 9.13% 7.64%
Separated 12.23% 2.82%
Widowed 8.54% 7.42%
Now Married 33.92% 57.73%
Never Married 36.18% 24.39%
ECONOMY Tannersville, 12485 United States
Unemployment Rate 4.80% 5.00%
Recent Job Growth 2.55% 1.30%
Future Job Growth 8.52% 9.06%
Sales Taxes 8.25% 6.00%
Income Taxes 7.13% 5.02%
Household Income $32,571 $44,684
Income per Cap. $18,400 $24,020
HOUSING Tannersville, 12485 United States
Apartment Rent $630 $653
Property Tax Rate $20.70 $0.00
Median Home Age 45.7 27.2
Median Home Cost $190,700 $208,500
Home Appreciation 13.49% 13.62%
Homes Owned 27.62% 64.07%
Homes Rented 16.13% 21.45%
Housing Vacant 56.25% 14.48%
HEALTH Tannersville, 12485 United States
Air Quality (100=best) 74 48
Water Quality (100=best) 80 55
Superfund Sites (100=best) 10 71
Physicians per Cap. 55 169.7
CLIMATE Tannersville, 12485 United States
Rainfall (in.) 58.3 38.8
Snowfall (in.) 83.2 24.4
Precipitation Days 135 112
Sunny Days 180 205
Avg. July High 77.7 86.4
Avg. Jan. Low 10.9 21.6
Comfort Index (higher=better) 53 44
UV Index 3.4 4.3
Elevation ft. 1,801 1,058
EDUCATION Tannersville, 12485 United States
School Expend. $10,705 $6,058
Pupil/Teacher Ratio 13.6 15.9
Students per Librarian 229 907
Students per Counselor 289 546
COST OF LIVING Tannersville, 12485 United States
Overall 113.6 100
Food 121.3 100
Housing 91.5 100
Utilities 149.9 100
Health 145.3 100
Transportation 112.8 100
Miscellaneous 122.5 100
RELIGION Tannersville, 12485 United States
Percent Religious 35.42% 50.03%
Catholic 19.54% 21.92%
Protestant 11.35% 19.12%
LDS 0.23% 1.57%
Other Christian 3.87% 4.66%
Jewish 0.41% 2.16%
Eastern 0.01% 0.05%
Islam 0.00% 0.54%
VOTING Tannersville, 12485 United States
Democrat 39.883% 48.147%
Republican 58.023% 50.849%
Independent Liberal 1.786% 0.491%
Independent Conservative 0.308% 0.450%
Independent Other 0.000% 0.063%